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Have you experienced trauma and/or neglect as a child?

Here are examples of the type of long term after effects you might be experiencing:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Guilt and shame
  • Flashbacks and nightmares
  • Identity issues
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Grief
  • Stress and conflict
  • Coercive Problems
  • Self-harm
  • Problems in relationships
  • Compulsive thoughts
  • Issues with trust

I can offer you psychotherapy if you have experienced neglect, mental and physical violence and / or sexual abuse in childhood or early adulthood.

Perhaps, like many people, you have mental or physical health challenges after a troubled childhood, and it can be difficult to work on these on your own. As an experienced therapist, I can offer you the support you need to create changes and to make your life more the way you want it.

During my 4-year training at the Hildebrand Institute in Denmark I specialised in psychodynamic therapy with clients who have experienced neglect, and/or physical, mental and sexual abuse . This, combined with my long experience from the Crisis and Incest Centre in Fredrikstad with both individual and group therapy for this client group, has given me a solid expertise in this field.

Bryony Harris
Telephone +47 48 26 19 09